
Bwabwata National Park Mahango Core Area

Attractions "Babatwa National Park, Mahango Core Area"
Park size: 6 100 km²
Proclamation: Bwabwata National Park in 2007
Natural features: Low vegetated sand dunes with old drainage lines (omurambas) in between. The Okavango River in the west and the Kwando River in the east.
Vegetation: Broad-Leafed Kalahari Woodland with tre
Park size: 6 100 km²
Proclamation: Bwabwata National Park in 2007
Natural features: Low vegetated sand dunes with old drainage lines (omurambas) in between. The Okavango River in the west and the Kwando River in the east.
Vegetation: Broad-Leafed Kalahari Woodland with trees such as Zambezi Teak and false Mopane on the sandy areas, and Camel-Thorn And Leadwood in the Omurambas. Reeds and papyrus occur on the Floodplains, which are lined with trees such as Jackal-Berry, Mangosteen, Knob Thorn and Makalani Palm.
Wildlife: Large concentrations of Elephant and Buffalo, also Sable and Roan Antelope occur in the park. Main predators include Lion, Leopard, Cheetah and Hyaena. Bwabwata is one of the last refuges of the wild dogs in Namibia. Common Reedbuck, Red lechwe, Sitatunga and Hippo occur along the rivers. Birds include Wattled Crane, African Skimmer, Western- banded Snake Eagle, Wood Owl, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Narina Trogon, Cape Parrot, and both Red-billed and Yellow-billed Oxpeckers.
Tourism: Most tourism facilities are outside the park, run by private operators who offer day trips into the park. Please refer to Accommodation and Camping in this Zone 27.


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